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10-Minute Enterprise Mobility Masterclass Series


Enterprise Mobility Masterclass Series

Empowering workforces with mobile devices leads to a host of benefits. Going mobile-first or mobile-only enables anywhere operations along with higher productivity and the increased organizational nimbleness needed to take on disruption and achieve business goals.

But deploying mobile solutions at an enterprise scale isn't easy. Many lack the expertise and capacity to get it right. That can lead to stalled projects and end user dissatisfaction. In this series of three 10-minute masterclasses, we'll teach you what you need to know about designing, deploying, and supporting mobile device solutions to help you avoid many of the common pitfalls.

The Series Includes:

Class #1

How to Design Enterprise Mobile Solutions the Right Way

Class #2

Developing Best Practices for Mobile Device Lifecycle Management

Class #3

Understanding What You Need in Your Enterprise Mobility Support Program

Dipesh Hinduja

Director Mobile Solution
Architect, Stratix

Ross Homans

Vice President, Operational
Programs, Stratix

Alex Kalish

Chief Strategy
Officer, Stratix