African American Leaders of Stratix

February is Black History Month, an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for appreciating their important roles in U.S. history. To help us all understand a little more about what it is to be Black in America, we interviewed African American leaders at Stratix to ask about their work and to have them share stories of their experiences.
Detrick Barlow
Human Resource Generalist
Meet Detrick Barlow, Human Resource Generalist, who is responsible for growth, training, employee relations and development at Stratix. Detrick is truly a jack of all trades. Her role requires her to wear many hats and juggle several projects at a time, but she always manages to get the job done. Detrick’s strong leadership abilities and genuine love of helping others is what make her an amazing teammate. We took some time to get to know Detrick as she shares what Black History Month means to her.
How long have you been at Stratix, and what does your role entail?
I am a Senior HR professional with over 20 years of experience. My role includes everything from recruiting, onboarding, employee relations to legal and ethical matters. I wear many different hats, which is what makes my role unique.
What do you like about working at Stratix?
My all-time favorite thing about working at Stratix is the people. I have a passion for inspiring people to do well for themselves. I love seeing people grow within their careers and present their best selves.
What does Black History Month mean to you?
Black History Month means integrity, leadership, and determination. It is a time to reflect on character and celebrate our culture. It is also a time to reflect on hope for the future and build on what our ancestors started.
Can you tell us about any African American role models who inspired you?
Michelle Obama is an African American role model that has greatly inspired me. Personally, I see myself within her being strong, ambitious, courageous, and wanting to do better for myself and those around me. Her words truly resonate with people, and she has a strong voice that’s heard among the masses. She inspires empathy and she has an undeniable grace about herself.
What is the value in sharing the stories of African American history?
The value of sharing African American History is essentially understanding the past and building on the hard work of our ancestors. We can see where we came from and build on that. These stories give us a lesson in culture, and they show us the importance of building character and having integrity.
Which of the Stratix Core Values do you identify the most with and why?
I identify with being positive and optimistic! Positive outcomes come from positive actions. I don't see my glass as half empty. In my opinion, my glass is always half full. When I speak or have conversations with people, I like to lend a positive aspect because for me, words have power. You can make or break your destiny based on your words.
What do you like to do when you aren't working?
I love spending time with my family and traveling. I travel with my girlfriends; I travel with my husband, and I travel with my daughter. Each trip is so uniquely different, but it is fulfilling to have that special time with your loved ones.