Thriving Amidst Disruption Through Mobile First Strategies
Data and Analysis Provided by VDC Research
The outlook for enterprise mobility in 2021 is unlike any other year. The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed the way enterprises operate, leading us into an unchartered landscape that requires new ways to engage with customers, new considerations for prioritizing IT spending, and an increased need for operational flexibility. Stratix has partnered with VDC Research, an enterprise mobile technology market research authority, to survey 250 prominent IT decision-makers in an effort to understand how they adapted their mobile technology programs to this dramatic shift and to gain valuable insights on their investments and larger strategic initiatives going forward.
A few themes surfaced among the responses including:
The "new normal" is strongly rooted in mobile.
Strong, flexible IT infrastructures separated the organizations that pivoted most successfully in response to COVID-19 from those that were slower to adapt.
The fallout of the pandemic will change the nature of mobile deployments, making them potentially more expensive and complicated to manage.